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Identify your Go-Getters

Identify your Go-Getters



The old saying “many hands make for light work” is particularly true for fundraising. Find yourself some Go-Getters; those people who know and love you, adore your cause, and would gladly do what they can to help you be successful. 


Think quality over quantity.

The best Go-Getters are, well, just that... go-getters. They are also highly “social” people who can reach out to a lot of email contacts, Facebook friends, Instagram, or Twitter followers. They won't be afraid to help you shout-out about your cause.

As you're thinking of who might fit the bill, perhaps include people from different networks, and maybe even different parts of the country. We recommend 3 people if you can.


GO-GETTERS are usually:

  • Family and friends of the CausePage Leader
  • Board members, or past board members, of non-profit groups
  • Parents of players and participants of teams and fine arts programs
  • Active parishioners of churches and youth groups


There are so many reasons why it’s important to recruit an engaged and committed fundraising team as they will be your very first supporters helping your CausePage to gain early momentum.

Your Top 3 Will:

  • Boost the number of social media followers who see your posts because they have liked, commented, and shared your posts.


  • Echo your story and will repeat, likely with even more gusto, your requests for support. They will challenge other supporters to get involved.


Get Commitment from your GO-GETTERS

A Go-Getter isn't a Go-Getter until you’ve explicitly asked and they’ve made the commitment to you. The POWER is in the ASK. So… ask them,

“Will you please…

  • Shop and give on Day 1 with an exclusive CAUSETEAM coupon code?
    • This will help create early momentum with your CausePage.


  • Like and comment on my CausePage posts and also share them? 
    • Increased engagement (likes, comments, and shares) on your posts will help you tell your story to as many people as possible. (Be sure to teach them to always include your CausePage link.)


  • Post pictures and talk about the products you buy?
    • This is called "organic content." When a Go-Getter creates their own post (and tags you in it) it helps retell your story while promoting the world's BEST. MERCH. EVER. all linking back to your CausePage.


  • Help me tell my story and encourage others to get involved?
    • Winning a Go-Getter's commitment in helping you reach your fundraising goal, and boldly asking for support on your behalf until you reached your goal truly is priceless. 


What you can tell them: 

"CAUSETEAM is offering a special incentive for 3 Go-Getters, identified by me.  It’s a 10% off site-wide discount and is available for only 48 hours after my CausePage goes live. Will you be one of my Go-Getters and be one of the first to support my cause?"


A little more about those product discount codes:

Upon request, CAUSETEAM will send you a coupon code as soon as your CausePage goes live for the first time. (We recommend ONLY giving away the coupon code to people who have committed to being your Go-Getters.) The coupon code has the following specifics:

  • The coupon can be used once by each of Go-Getters, up to 3.
  • They get 10% off all product purchases
  • The codes are active for only 48 hours after the launch date.


The idea is to motivate your team to act and get products into their hands so they can start posting and sharing their experience with other supporters.  It's really is as easy as 1,2, 3 (Go-Getters!).  Good luck!