Why Your Purchase Matters

Purchase with purpose.
What’s the big deal?
What does it matter?
Who cares where the products come from?
Why does it matter how they are made?
These are some big questions I began to ask myself a few years ago. I found the majority of my purchases were supporting ill-working conditions, chemical-full ingredients, and inequality in the workplace. I started researching the companies I was shopped from and found I couldn’t believe what I had supported by purchasing the products.
It is a big deal.
It does matter.
People matter and YOU matter. Ingredients that are good for the body are a win. If you can purchase a tee and know that it was ethically manufactured – that’s something to feel good about. Purchasing art that was made by locals or hand-stamped in Haiti – now that is powerful. Every dollar spent is a vote for what matters – what is important to you?
CAUSETEAM cares a lot about supporting GREAT causes and providing GREAT products! Is it possible to feel good about the product and the purchase? With CAUSETEAM, yes! Pick your cause to support (or let it support the Goodness Goal) and shop knowing you made a difference. Let your dollars vote for you – because it's important.
It is a big deal.
It does matter.
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