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In 2024, the Friends are looking forward to replacing rusted fire pits ($275 each) and grills ($300 each) as well as repairing the broken safety rail along Overlook Trail.
Additionally, the Friends want to create Adventure Backpacks that campers can check out for mini-adventures. Backpacks will have items ranging from Iowa Critters books, magnifying glasses, and trial maps to animal bingo sheets. Backpacks run $100 each: campers will be able to sign them out via the campground host.
As always, The Friends will continue their educational pop-up events in the park. Check out our Facebook Page (@FriendsofPalisadesKepler) to find an event that interests you, whether nature photography or volunteering at The Pal.
Any money raised by The Friends of the Pal benefit The Pal. Whenever possible, the money is spent locally.