Help Henry Finish College
$521.20 raised of $31,000.00 goal
Nov 26, 2024 to Feb 25, 2025

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Help Henry Finish College.
Henry is on track to graduate with a bachelors degree in 3 years.
Have you ever felt alone? Hi, I'm Henry's mom, Querida. After losing my husband I've felt alone in having a ear to talk to, with co parental support, I feel solo and alone in financial support. Many times you may hear or have been told that you are not alone and that God is with you. I know God is with us (Emmanuel) and I'm trusting him at all times. Therefore, I humbly stepping out on faith to ask for help. People always say if you need anything just ask. This is my ask! You can Help Henry Finish College.
My late husband Eric. B. Walker, a Marine Veteran who served our country honorably. He graduated from college Summa Cum Laude and he wants the same opportunity for all of his boys. Eric B. Walker supported me in two degrees as a tutor, mentor, and spouse, when I too graduated from college Summa Cum Laude.
Eric Henry, whom I call Henry is our 2nd born son out of 5 boys. He's an exceptional young man. He understands the opportunity he has in attending college and he's doing his part and putting in the work. In fact, when we lost my husband, his father during his freshman year of H.S.. Henry also broke his leg the prior month in the last football game of the season. Amidst these tragedies, all glory to God! Henry still managed to finish his freshman year of high school with an "A" GPA. He continued with that same excellence to graduate H.S. with several honors, dual enrollment credit, mentoring incoming freshman. Graduating Summa Cum Laude and the top of his class. A dual student athlete who put God first and understands that "student" comes before athlete. A big brother to his youngest 3 siblings and a caring leader like his big brother. Eric Henry has persevered through adversity with a academic scholarship to Cornell College in Iowa. Along with the academic scholarship he was given an opportunity to play football and baseball at this wonderful historic college that we admire and love. A college that dwells in the amazing community of Mt. Vernon, Iowa! He's still excelling, putting in work on and off the field, and doing his part with a GPA above a 3.0. He's even tutoring others when the opportunity is available to assist and he's always voluterring during home breaks or offering to give me a break by taking his brothers somewhere they can play.
Your support!
Your support would immediately give back to his college community by supporting a local business there (CauseTeam) whose platform we are using to fundraise. Your support would help us clear our fall balance to keep financial holds away and to keep him in school. Your support would help pay the increasing tuition rate change for his last year of school. Your support would honor his Veteran Marine father, my late husband, by helping his 2nd born son finish college.
Eric Henry is also enrolled in work study but unable to work this coming semester block at school. He is home for surgery during the holiday break but is still determined to graduate in 3 years. Since Cornell is a private in person school. Online classes are not available. However, Eric Henry and his school counselor found a online school that he could take a couple classes and their credits would transfer over to Cornell. These online classes also increased our tuition costs this semester. We are applying for more outside scholarships.
We are doing what we can and your support would support all of our efforts and give us encouragement to know we are not alone.
Ways you can support Henery:
Shop + Give: 40% of each "This Shirt Did Some Good" purchase or any CAUSETEAM merch will be donated.
Crowdfunding: 100% of all cash donations will be gifted. (Minus standard processing fees).
Social Sharing: A simple share can go along way - please share this link with any big hearted humans you may know.
Thank you for Helping Henry Finish College.
His mom, Querida Walker
Stay up to date and follow this cause to success!
Henry and I thank you all that have donated thus far we are very humbled by your generosity to give. My Henry. He injured his leg the first game of the season. He had a non-contact reinjury on October 8th.
His education is so important to him that he used crutches and then walked on an injured leg in pain for over a month. Determined to finish his semester/block until the Thanksgiving break. He flew home on a plane safely and made it home. We made an appointment and he saw an orthopedic surgeon. This doctor referred us to his partner who works more on Henry’s knee injuries. We made another appointment and saw that doctor. Henry was told to give the doctors office 3 business days to set a surgery day. The week of Thanksgiving the doctors scheduler called and he missed it by a few seconds and Henry immediately called back with no success. After Thanksgiving, the 1st week in December, the scheduler called again and gave a day but no time yet. The office was working hard to get him scheduled for surgery. On the following Wednesday she called and gave a time for surgery Thursday 12/5 with a 8am checkin, in Sunny Slope, AZ.
All Glory goes to God for the safe travels and success of his surgery. Although he is in much pain now he maitains the smile in his pre op picture posted here. His smile is full of Gods praise to get this surgery on and off the books. He says the pain he experienced of breaking his leg was easier and less than the pain from this surgery. I'm doing my best to manage it for him with the meds he’s prescribed. Thank you to all that prayed, gave and shared this link.
Thank you God for our insurance, your Grace, and the support you gave us Walkers. Thank you for taking care of Henry and for a successful outcome. Thank you Cornell and Cornell coaches for loving and being our Ramily. All please keep him in prayer. He says he’s ready to get back to school ASAP after Christmas. 9 months of healing to go. He’s got this. Phillipians 4:13
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