Jackson Strong
$787.40 raised of $1,000.00 goal
Aug 1, 2021 to Oct 31, 2021

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Jackson was born February 26th, at 27 weeks gestation. Since the beginning of his life he has been fighting so hard, and he continues to fight to this day. He had a rough start in the NICU, and got diagnosed with a brain condition which resulted in him getting brain surgery to get a shunt placed. We spent almost 100 days in the NICU with Jackson, and finally on May 30th we got to bring him home to us! Less than a month of being home, Jackson ended up in the hospital, and needed another brain surgery to fix some complications. His recovery went very well but, after a few weeks, he landed in the hospital again with a virus, and a very serious infection. Surgeons had to take his shunt out, and his recovery didn’t go as smooth as we were hoping. Jackson has now been transferred to The University of Iowa Children’s Hospital to get the care he needs to get better! There is a high chance of another surgery coming soon. We are looking to raise money for my family during this hard time, especially having to pack up and live in Iowa City until Jackson gets released!
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