$8,712.00 raised of $25,000.00 goal
Apr 21, 2023 to Jul 21, 2023

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My name is Shelly Lane and I am creating this medical fundraiser on behalf of my friend Shaun Lindhoff. She is very humbled by the fact that anyone would want to help her. If you know Shaun she is a bit stubborn and would prefer to take care of things herself. Once in awhile things become more than we can handle alone and that's when our friends and family hold our hand.
I'd like to share Shaun's story; On March 31 Shaun had a breast biopsy, fully expecting results to be normal as they have in the past. April 4 she recived the call that it was in fact, grade two ductal carcinoma. The last two weeks have been a whirl wind of lab test, x rays, MRI's, examinations. appointments, meetings, paperwork, new prescriptions, getting her port placed and starting chemo. Shaun has a 1 year treatment plan. She started her initial chemo treatment on Monday, April 17. It's an 18 week cycle. Then she will have surgery and radiation. Lastly another 8 months of chemo. Her first 18 week cycle will likely be the worst part for her- she will lose her hair which has been the most difficult reality for Shaun.
The second hardest reality is the fact that the medical bills and expenses are just going to be more that one person can handle. She has a $10,000 in network medical insurance deductable plus copays; prescription copays, office visit copays, rent, electric, car payment, gas, meals. So if you are able and would like to contribute, Thank you. If you can offer a prayer, Thank you. If you would like to donate a gift card for dinner or groceries, please contact me and I will make sure Shaun gets it.
Ways to support this online fundraiser:
Shop + Give: 40% of any purchase (our custom t-shirt or CAUSETEAM merch) is donated to this CausePage.
Give a direct donation through crowdfunding and 100% of the donation (minus fees) will be gifted.
Stay up to date and follow this cause to success!
Today is round number four of six. Shaun is half way though this part and feeling every side effect. Each round the effects last longer and are more intense. She is feeling really tired right now. The next two weeks will be rough, lots of sleeping and trips to the cancer center for IV fluids with vitamins and iron infusions. Then she will have a good week. We LOVE the good week! She is more like herself and has more energy. She also laughs a lot more! She has been such a trooper through all of this. Shaun is so thankful and blessed with every donation, card, gift and prayer. You all have shown her what it feels like to be surrounded by a village.
{Shaun had some results we weren't expecting come back last week. Her BRCA 2 has a mutation that her medical team have agreed will be treated as a positive BRCA 2. This increases her chances of another breast cancer by 50%, she should have a more invasive surgery than originally planned including reconstructive surgery and it includes having her ovaries and tubes removed. Shaun is taking it all in stride and takes a day or two to process the new information and then she moves along to the next hurdle. Her spirits remain high and she has her humor to get her through the day. She is now sporting the bald look and is GORGEOUS! The effects of chemo are starting to take effect on her body. She tires easily. Her bones ache. Her skin is dry. She was always kind of a ding ding but the chemo brain is no joke! We spent an hour looking for something the other day that we later found out had not even been delivered yet! Lol She sleeps a lot and honestly it's what she needs. She appreciates everyone and all the love they have given her through the first 5 weeks of her journey. We have a long way to go but we are off to an incredible start.}
{Tomorrow Shaun receives chemo treatment #2. If you see her out and about this week, you'll notice a big change. Shaun decided she needed to take control of the cancer instead of the cancer controlling her- so this morning she she said to hell with her hair falling out (or she was tired of vacuuming) and she took matters into her own hands. She is now sporting the new look of #baldisbeautiful! She is such a warrior! #beastmode #TeamShaun is over $6000 and she is humbled by your generosity. The Cause Team Foundation releases funds to the benefactor on the 15th of every month. Shaun will get her first check next week! This is such an awesome outpouring of our love for her. Please share the #TeamShaun page link often!}
Shop CAUSETEAM Merch - 40% of every purchase is donated.