Spreading Good Vibes for Wrenlie
$483.80 raised of $1,500.00 goal
Dec 1, 2023 to Jan 1, 2024

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November 23, 2018 we started a journey we never wanted to go on when 6 year old Wrenlie became critically ill with a mysterious illness. We spent 33 nights at the University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital. For the majority of those days Wrenlie was in the pediatric intensive care unit. We were told things like "pray for a miracle", "she's the sickest child on this unit", and "I've told every physician I've talked with today to look at her chart to see if anyone has ideas".
While we never found out what caused Wrenlie's illness and we had some initial lingering issues, we are so happy to say that she battled and won and is now a happy, healthy 11 year old. During her time in the hospital we believed in the power of positivity and used the term "Good Vibes Only" in her room. All of our people- family, friends, our community- and many people we don't even know were sending us good vibes. People spread the vibes to us in all sorts of ways, ways we didn't even know at the time we needed.
Now, as we celebrate 5 years since Wrenlie beat the illness we'd like to spread some good vibes to patients, families, and providers currently at the University of Iowa Hospital and we're asking for your help to raise some money for Wrenlie to do this. We will spread the money between things like gift cards to families, food for the Ronald McDonald house on PICU floor, and sending treats to PICU providers. We are still so thankful for all the good vibes sent to us, we know the power of them, and we want to share with others in need.
How to Support:
Wear your support: 40% of each purchase is donated, always.
So, if your original Good Vibes Only CauseTee has been worn out by wear, out grown, or maybe you missed getting one the first time around, we ask you to consider buying a new one, or some kind of other great merch to help us out!
Give your support: 100% (minus standard fees) will be donated, always.
Shop CAUSETEAM Merch - 40% of every purchase is donated.