Huddle Up For Jackson
$6,218.40 raised of $10,000.00 goal
Dec 3, 2024 to Jun 30, 2025
Join Jackson's Prayer Huddle to rally hope and support for Jackson and his family as they navigate his diagnosis of Ewing Sarcoma.
Join Jackson's Prayer Huddle to rally hope and support for Jackson and his family as they navigate his diagnosis of Ewing Sarcoma.
40% of every purchase is donated.
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On Friday, November, 22nd Jon and I took Jackson to the doctor because he had come home from school with stomach pain the previous day, and had been battling these tummy aches for the past month. When the doctor suggested they do a abdominal xray, Jon reminded the doctor of a pain he has been having on his left side on his ribs under his arms. They had previously thought that it could have been a bruised rib from playing too hard. He is the kid who dives to catch every pass. The doctor thought it would be a good idea to add a chest xray to check out that pain as well. After the xray results, the doctor told us that they were seeing a mass on his rib and were wanting to get a CT scan. We went and grabbed lunch then returned to the doctor for the CT results. The nurse asked Jackson what kind of treats he had gotten so far that day, which he said 5 stickers. She said “that’s it? Lets go to the treasure chest and pick out more stuff,” and thats when our guts sunk. Jackson’s doctor told us that he has Ewing Sarcoma Cancer and that they are sending us to Iowa CIty.
On Monday, November, 25 we met with Jackson’s oncologist, Dr. G. She explained that he would need a biopsy of the tumor. On Tuesday morning they were able to get us into the OR for the biopsy and port placement. After that procedure, they monitored him with a follow-up xray. Upon that xray they found air trapped in his chest from the procedure (a possibly whenever you open the chest wall). They rushed him back into the OR for a chest tube to be placed. Since they had to put him back under sedation, they decided to also do the bone marrow biopsy at the same time. Jackson did great. They used suction for the first 24 hours, then let the tube gravity flow. On Friday, they were able to remove the chest tube and he has been doing great since then. We are currently playing the waiting game until Monday when we will get the final test results from the biopsy and bone marrow biopsy. We will have an EKG on Monday (standard procedure before starting treatment), and the plan is to begin chemo on Monday as well. We will also have a PET scan and CT with contrast next week.
-Kim & Jon Bullock
Ways to Help:
Shop CAUSETEAM Merch - 40% of every purchase is donated.