6 Tips for Successful Fundraising

It’s a given. We all want our CausePage fundraising campaigns to be exceptionally successful. After all, we have a great cause and we’ve invested our precious time and energy to make it go. But — the reality is that sometimes fundraisers fall flat.
Here are six tips to maximize your CausePage's chances of success:
- Be specific and heartfelt. Your donors and supporters want to know your story. So, tell it. (And with lots of heart, and color, and passion.) If supporters are going to invest in your cause, they should know exactly what you are doing and when you are doing it. Tell them about the blood, sweat, and tears you are putting into the work. Tell them about all who will be impacted by these funds. Remind them that they are invaluable to this cause and that any donation, no matter the size, helps. (Read more about creating your Story)
- Be persistent and creative. Yeah, communicate often, it’s pretty essential. A fundraising campaign is not made successful by a single social media post. If you are proud of what you are doing, then don’t be afraid to shout it from the rooftops. You should provide unique and creative posts on social media sites at least weekly. Post pictures of someone using a product from your CausePage or talk about all the different products you love. Encourage others who have purchased products and benefitted your cause to do the same!
- Find your crew of Go-Getters. Invite others to become involved can be HUGE for your fundraising efforts. Your Go-Getters will be people that support your cause the most and want to help it succeed. When they commit their support, your fundraiser is opened up to a whole new network of potential supporters. Encourage them to comment on your posts and SHARE your posts, make their own posts, etc. Spread that word, people! (Read more about Identifying your Go-Getters)
- Focus and be exclusive. Having too many fundraising campaigns going at once dilutes both your attention and the attention of your supporters. Donor fatigue is a real thing. The fact is, the majority of your supporters will be family and friends. So, you really don’t want to annoy them with a constant flow of “asks” for different fundraisers at the same time, for the same cause. Instead, focus and choose wisely which avenue of fundraising will be best for you.
- Go beyond social media. While utilizing social platforms is important, it shouldn’t be your only method of spreading the news about your fundraiser. Send emails out to friends and family, hang flyers in community spaces, and look for opportunities to make spoken announcements. The more ways you advertise, the more people you will reach.
- Have fun. Your energy and passion are vital to a successful campaign. And energy is contagious… People will be excited to support your cause if you’re excited to promote it. Chances are good you have something great planned to do with those funds raised. Now, if that’s not something to smile about... we aren't sure what is!