Let's Talk Fundraising Options
Ready to fundraise? Do you know all your options? A major differentiator for CAUSETEAM vs the other fundraising sites is that in addition to crowdfunding, we also offer product fundraising, which can really improve the performance of your fundraiser. (It's a game-changer, trust us!) Read Article
Think Beyond The Cookie Dough
Long gone are the days of selling wrapping paper and cookie dough to help raise money for a cause close to your heart. At CAUSETEAM, we take pride in offering high-quality products your supporters will 110% L.O.V.E. Read Article
Supporter Scroll Feature
We believe that giving any level of support is truly awesome. It doesn’t matter if your donation is small or large–every shred of support matters. Just giving what you can, when you can help in a huge way. Read Article
Holiday Shopping Made Easy
Looking for a gift that gives back to a cause dear to you, but still wows the person you’re giving it to? You’re in the right place. Sit back, relax, and browse with ease because your holiday shopping just got a whole lot easier with these gift ideas that give back. Read Article
A Peek into Christmas for Haiti
Once a year a little extra hope is gifted to our friends in Haiti. If you’re curious as to what this program entails… It’s quite a bit of effort (all worth it, of course!). Read Article
What's a Do-Gooder?
A "Do-Gooder" is the best catch-all term we like to group our big-hearted humans into who are dedicated to the work of helping others, be it professional or amateur. Are you one? Read Article
Why Your Purchase Matters
CAUSETEAM cares a lot about supporting great causes and providing great products that are ethically manufactured. People matter and YOU matter. Read Article
Do Something
Make the world a better place for someone else, even if it’s just for one person for one moment. It still counts! Read Article
Adoption: The Waiting Game...
Adoption is hard. It really is. It breaks my heart that it's even necessary. But, I will tell you that it is worth it. Absolutely worth it. Read Article
Adoption: Our 6 Becomes 8!
Our. Boys. Are. Home. It’s been a journey, and not a particularly easy one, but one that was 110% worth it all. Read Article
7 Reasons to Fundraise With Us
Are you in the middle of figuring out how to raise the funds you need for your cause? We have been there and there are so many choices! That’s why we created the best-ever way to raise money with us at CAUSETEAM. We want to make your research easier – here are seven reasons to choose CAUSETEAM to help you do some good. Read Article
Medical: A Transplant Journey
Eric was born with a complex heart defect called Transposition of the Great Arteries. It was almost a 100% guaranteed death sentence for babies like him; Now 51, Eric is one of the longest living survivors of these pioneering techniques. Read Article
Adoption: The DeJong Family
This mama’s heart… it’s a good one. Read on, dear friends if you're in search of an adoption fundraising inspiration or, just a great feel-good story. Read Article
Medical: Real Talk, PKU
A mom of two with PKU opens up to share: What it means for her family. What it means for her kids. The research. The setbacks. The hope. The struggles. Read Article
IPTV's- Iowa Entrepreneur
Our biggest challenge to date has been getting the word out about who we are, what we do, and how we can help people raise money for good causes. Thanks to IPTV and Iowa Entrepreneur we had an opportunity to shout it from the rooftops! Read Article